Eleanor Bone (1911-2001)
Eleanor “Ray” Bone was initiated into a Traditional group in August 1941 while she was working in Cumbria during the War. In 1964 she gave similar details to Doreen Valiente who noted them in her diary.
Eleanor was initiated in 1961 but was not a member of the Bricket Wood Coven, although she was a member of Five Acres Country Club, and much of her early correspondence was sent from that address. Gerald Gardner gave her the second and third degrees so she was to able start a coven. Eleanor was one of the very few who knew “Dafo”, Edith Woodford Grimes, and visited her on several occaisions.
One of her initiates Madge Worthington formed her own coven in 1967 in SE London. From this came several other well known London covens. Another of her initiates John Score began “The Wiccan” news letter, which is still going strong today. In 1972 Eleanor moved to Cumbria and started a new coven.
When she moved out of London, Eleanor left her original coven in the hands of her deputy. Mabs and her husband Tom, then moved the covenstead to Brighton along with another couple, who in turn also formed another coven in the Brighton area.
Eleanor Bone’s legacy continues to this day with initiates not only in the UK, but also many other Countries around the World.
Paul Greenslade