Welcome to the British Traditional Wicca Archive.
We are a free online visual Archive of Art, Photography, Documentaries, and Media relating to and documenting the history of British Traditional Wicca and its Traditions across the globe. The Archive is a community-based project, where everyone is welcome to engage and invest materials into our Archive.
The Archive was founded in 2023, and is primarily an online project with a small physical collection. The Archive was founded to bring together visual materials hosted on dozens of social media platforms, and websites into one place for ease of access and make them all freely available. One hundred percent of materials hosted by the Archive are freely accessible for private, public, and personal use.
The Archive is still under construction and is an ongoing project, so please check back in for updates, or follow our social media for regular updates.

Find Us of Facebook @Britishtraditionalwiccaarchive and Instagram @Britishtraditionalwicca
Disclaimer: The Archive offers No instructional ritual materials or theological matter of these traditions. We are also not an academic resource, all information on this site is for general information. We caution against citing text, as it is made up of information from various sources and we can not always guarantee the accuracy of the information, we are an (art project) archive of images and documentaries, and not academics.